Fetching data

I’ve been trying to hone my programming skills a little and became fascinated with the idea of APIs.  That is, sending a request to a remote server or database and receiving back a big stack of data that you can parse and do interesting things with.

Since I had a domain name that I’ve been sitting on for the last 7 years it seemed like a good time to try to implement an API call online and display the results.

I have lots to learn/add/improve still but if you visit:


entering a search term will request info from ebay’s database for your keywords and return the (most-watched, US only, links included ) results which are then arrayed onto the page.

The results are also affiliate-linked so if purchases are made I would then proceed to rake in mad pennies.  If you’re in the market for a fleet of ebay yachts then please do visit the site.




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